Johnson Industrial
LIC #526086
Plumbing & Piping
Johnson Industrial, Inc. is a commercial plumbing company that has vast knowledge in new construction and remodel. We have experience on historic and archeological sites as well as federal, state and private projects. Yosemite National Park, military bases, schools and hospitals are just some of the few types of projects we have worked on.
Johnson Industrial, Inc. can meet all your piping needs. Our company has experience with many types of piping from carbon steel, stainless steel, cast iron, copper, brass, HDPE, PE, acid waste, dual containment to convey many types of fluid from steam, RO water, domestic water, waste and fuel.
Boilers, Pumps and other apparatus is a large part of our company’s experience. HVAC wetside piping for chilled or heating hot water are some of the hydronic piping we can perform. We have completed many projects including San Andreas Courthouse, Dinosaur Point Pumping Plant and Golden Valley Health just to name a few.